China - Steamed Buns
Yes, I can almost hear you wondering - is there sourdough in China? Do they eat bread? To many Westerners, this might sound strange. However, there is a long tradition of baking in China, although it primarily involves steaming rather than baking in ovens. In the northern part of China, there is a strong tradition of using wheat, while in the south, rice is more prevalent. During a trip to Baixiang, I visited a bakery where they make around 5,000 steam buns daily, contributing to the 700 million steam buns consumed in China each day. It was my first encounter with a large steam oven, which was quite different from my experiences with dim-sum at home. I also learned about the use of "alkali," a baking powder used to adjust the pH and remove the sour flavor. Steam buns are ubiquitous - found in small bakeries, sold by street vendors, and available in restaurants and supermarkets. I hope you enjoy following my "Quest for Sourdough" in China!