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Virtual Library

Our three pillars

Our Sourdough Institute is founded on three pillars: Protect, Research and Inspire

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In our Sourdough Library, we have initiated a social profit initiative to

preserve the biodiversity of sourdough and contribute to the world of fermentation and fermentation technology. We have chosen to make this our first focus at the Sourdough Institute due to its importance for current and future generations. This project is dedicated to protecting and preserving the age-old tradition of Sourdough Baking.

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In our Sourdough Library, we have a vast collection of sourdough,

which enables us to conduct unprecedented research projects. We collaborate with renowned universities, offering internships and conducting experiments with the owners of the sourdoughs in our library. We aim to assist passionate bakers and our customers in baking better bread. Our ambition is to crack the code to make sourdough again an indispensable ingredient into tomorrows bread.

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We strive to inspire you both online and offline, with events held at the institute. You can connect with us through our online social media channels and this website to access tips, tricks, recipes, and techniques. Additionally, we are available to deliver keynotes or inspirational talks about the power of sourdough. Feel free to reach out to us and let us know what you're interested in.


The Quest for Sourdough

The Quest for Sourdough by Puratos is our dedication to preserving the ancient art of sourdough baking for generations to come. Each sourdough is as unique as its baker. This global platform not only celebrates the diversity of sourdough from around the world but also offers an insightful glimpse into the varied baking traditions across different cultures. By bringing together a community of passionate bakers, we're fostering a rich exchange of knowledge and inspiration, ensuring that the legacy of sourdough continues to flourish.

Find inspiration in the research

Are you curious about the science behind sourdough? Our research papers and publications simplify complex topics, making them accessible to everyone. We tackle general questions and provide clear, concise answers to help you understand the fascinating world of sourdough fermentation.

The research is designed to be straightforward and easy to understand, making it perfect for both beginners and seasoned bakers. Dive into the publications and expand your knowledge of sourdough fermentation today!

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